Putting Together the Dream Team for Your New Business

“Teamwork” is one of those words that are thrown around constantly in the business world, along with all the other sports metaphors, like “keeping your eye on the ball,” “going for the win” and “knocking it out of the park.” But the fact is, unless you’re a business of one, whom you choose as your partners, colleagues and employees – i.e. your team – may be the single most important factor in whether you can… well… knock it out of the park. After all, you may have the most ingenious, marketable product, and you may be working out of the… Read More


The 2012 London Olympics may have ended but the adrenaline-pumping buzz still abounds. Millions of people dream of acting out their own gold medal fantasies and many more simply want to find a fun way to exercise or let off some steam. There’s simply one place where you can relax, workout, and lose yourself in dreams of Olympc glory, the Hudson River Park in NYC. You can get busy like the Dream Team on one of the basketball courts or even spike a volleyball into some sand with co-workers. Catching some waves at your speed? Breeze over to Pier 66… Read More