Get ready for your next meeting in Midtown Manhattan. ReadySet! Offices can help.

As a professional in providing a variety of different types of meeting space in Midtown Manhattan, I have seen a lot of presentations, from intimate groups to larger training sessions. Whether you’re planning meetings in New York City, due to my constant interaction with meeting attendees, I can offer advice about planning a presentation. The first thing I tell my meeting clients over and over -BE PREPARED! PREPARATION IS THE KEY The purpose of a presentation is to inform, persuade and build good will. But, at the same time, you have to keep things interesting and organized.  A presentation must… Read More

Putting Together the Dream Team for Your New Business

“Teamwork” is one of those words that are thrown around constantly in the business world, along with all the other sports metaphors, like “keeping your eye on the ball,” “going for the win” and “knocking it out of the park.” But the fact is, unless you’re a business of one, whom you choose as your partners, colleagues and employees – i.e. your team – may be the single most important factor in whether you can… well… knock it out of the park. After all, you may have the most ingenious, marketable product, and you may be working out of the… Read More

Tools and Resources Every New Business Should Have

Whether you’re a lawyer, an accountant or a tech entrepreneur, starting your own business can be an exciting, promising and sometimes frightening proposition. On the one hand, it’s the American dream to work for one’s self, call all the shots and chart one’s own success. On the other hand, there are always unknowns in the business world. But if you arm yourself with the proper tools and resources, you can infinitely increase your chances for creating a successful business that will grow and expand over time.  Law & Order Unless you’re a law firm, you’re going to need to retain… Read More

Business Lunch Etiquette – Do’s and Don’ts

Have you ever had a stranger not thank you after you’ve held the door open for him? Or, as you’re searching the shelves in a supermarket, someone passes in front of you and doesn’t say “Excuse me?” In life, we should probably learn to let this little stuff go, in order to keep our sanity. But in business, we can’t afford to take anything for granted. Whether you’re the client or the business owner, you want to be on your best behavior and learn, as they say, how to “give good lunch.” Etiquette, manners and behavior are second nature to… Read More

How to Decorate Your Executive Office

Your look and feel of your executive office designs says a lot about you. It immediately telegraphs to colleagues and clients essential information about your professionalism, taste level and work style. Executive office decorations and arrangements can even impact your productivity and ultimate success rate. So how do you decorate your executive office to maximize your output? In general, less is more. Décor in an executive office is generally sleek, efficient and charming. It should project a sense of both humming activity and quiet calm – and of both professionalism and personality. And it should impress rather than depress. Here… Read More

Executive Suites Success Story: Alliance Residential Company

Today’s Executive Suites Success Story is Alliance Residential Company, a national real estate company whose Northeast Headquarters is located at Executive Suites at the Hippodrome. We spoke with Adam Fruitbine, Managing Director & Portfolio Manager. Number of Employees: 2,000 total, 3 in the New York office. Specialties: Real estate — specifically, U.S. rental apartment development, acquisitions and property management. They handle the firm’s Northeast operations from NYC, as well as its fund and discretionary investment management platform. Company History: Fruitbine says: “Alliance is a national apartment operator, developer, and property manager with over 70,000 units under management and roughly $9B AUMs. We are one… Read More

NYC Entrepreneur Profile: PictureLife

Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, people took photos with a camera, removed the film, brought it in for developing, waited up to a week or more, and then — if they were lucky — wound up with a couple of good shots which would then go into a photo album or get tossed into a drawer forever. Then came digital photography. And Facebook. And Twitter. And Flickr. And Instagram. And suddenly, it wasn’t unusual for a single individual to photograph and post dozens of images in a given week. Enter Nate Westheimer, Charles Forman, and Jacob DeHart,… Read More

NYC Entrepreneur Profile: CitySlips

This is a story about Katie Shea and Susie Levitt, two NYU undergraduates studying Marketing and Finance who loved wearing high heels — but hated the way their feet felt after walking around New York City in them all day. So, in 2008, they put there heads together and created CitySlips — ballet flats that fold up and fit into a little purse women can easily carry with them — allowing them to change into comfy shoes at any point in their busy day. Cut to six years later. Shea and Levitt’s and little ballet shoes are selling at Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom,… Read More