Today’s Executive Suites Success Story is Alliance Residential Company, a national real estate company whose Northeast Headquarters is located at Executive Suites at the Hippodrome. We spoke with Adam Fruitbine, Managing Director & Portfolio Manager. Number of Employees: 2,000 total, 3 in the New York office. Specialties: Real estate — specifically, U.S. rental apartment development, acquisitions and property management. They handle the firm’s Northeast operations from NYC, as well as its fund and discretionary investment management platform. Company History: Fruitbine says: “Alliance is a national apartment operator, developer, and property manager with over 70,000 units under management and roughly $9B AUMs. We are one… Read More
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Choosing the Perfect Receptionist
We’ve all experienced both sides of the coin: You walk into an office, perhaps a little late after an uneasy commute, or nervous before a job interview. The receptionist gives you a warm greeting, checks you in and then shows you where to make yourself comfortable while you wait for your appointment.You’re offered a cup of coffee or some water, and her smile puts you at ease. Then there’s the flip side. You walk into the office, stand at the edge of the desk without being acknowledged while the receptionist carries on what appears to be a personal phone call…. Read More
NYC Entrepreneur Profile: PictureLife
Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, people took photos with a camera, removed the film, brought it in for developing, waited up to a week or more, and then — if they were lucky — wound up with a couple of good shots which would then go into a photo album or get tossed into a drawer forever. Then came digital photography. And Facebook. And Twitter. And Flickr. And Instagram. And suddenly, it wasn’t unusual for a single individual to photograph and post dozens of images in a given week. Enter Nate Westheimer, Charles Forman, and Jacob DeHart,… Read More